Upcoming Events

Final Fundraising Event for the Year

As the year  draws to its close, we wish to seek your support for our final Fundraising event for the year. This is our annual Christmas dance which will take place on Saturday December 17
The venue is  4501 Glenwood Road , Brooklyn, N.Y. 11203
Tickets are $25.00 each; Food on the House. For Tickets call : 646 – 739 – 2106, 347 – 782 – 2078; or 917- 592 – 0909
Come and have a good time with the prospect of winning one of our may  prizes. Tickets for these prizes are $5.00
Proceeds in aid of our scholarship and Infirmary projects.

A Trip to Pennsylvania

Join us on Saturday December 3, 2016 for a trip to Pennsylvania for an incredible experience at the Sight and Sound Theatre.
Total cost for this trip is $160.00 inclusive of Lunch, Tickets and Transportation. For further information please call 646 – 573 – 0550, 347 – 782 – 2078 or 917 592 – 0909