All members are being reminded to take all items solicited for the Mandeville Infirmary project to our upcoming meeting on July 8.
Members are advised that the nominating committee met and recommended that all members who are up for re-election at our AGM on Saturday July 8 be returned en-bloc. Be reminded however,
that under our By-Laws, any member in good financial standing can nominate another person to fill any of the vacancies.
Please be reminded also that under our By-Laws the president is not up for election this year.
Members are being advised that we have stepped up our efforts to get items for our Infirmary project. We would like to ship these items to the Infirmary (Manchester) in Jamaica, by the third week of November.
Among the items being sought are canned foods, walkers, clothing in good condition, Deodorant, soap, Toothpaste, Tissue, Lotion, Hair,oil, Disposable razor, nail clips, Toe nail Clippers, Pillows,Blood pressure machines, Adult Diapers, Bed Linen, Thermometers, Disposable gloves, and wash rags and towels.
Members are being asked to solicit as many of these items as you possible can from your local communities.If assistance is needed to get these items, please contact our secretary to discuss the matter.