President Ronnie Hammick looks on as Ms. Carmeta Albarus of Family Reunion and Resettlememt Initiative replies after being presented with our 2017 community service Award.
Member Peter McKenzie , chairman of our Education Committee presents Jacklyn Gonzalez of Copiague High School with one of 6 Scholarships awarded This year, during her Graduation ceremony.
Ex-Correctional Officers Association of Jamaica president Ronnie Hammick (right) accepting the Jamaica Ex Soldiers Association community Award on September 16.
Some members of the Ex Correctional Officers Association of Jamaica at lunch after a visit to Sight and Sound.
Our annual Fundraising and awards Banquet is close at hand,and so members are being urged to step up all activities to ensure that ticket sales are successful. As we have
We are entering a period of negotiations with the North Bronx Seven Day Adventist (SDA) church, to conduct a seminar aimed at bringing awareness to young people in particular, about